The Gallery

Isaac Birdsall and Lived a life with a big heart and bigger hugs. 


Isaac was born in Washington State, and was baby number 10 out of the 12 siblings he had.

Isaacs parents, Arlene and Leo, planned to birth baby Isaac in the comfort of their home like their previous child was. However, his father Leo had a dream, which God came to give him a visit to tell him that Isaac needed to be born in a hospital.

In these turn of events Isaac came as a breach birth and most likely wouldn’t have survived a home birth.

The family was a big one, with a lot of half siblings – but between their mom and dad, there were 4 siblings that shared full blood.

Isaac and his brother Jared were just a little over a year a part, and with such a big family, those two seemed to create a brother bond and would continue to call each other best friends throughout their lives.


Isaac attended Mt. Pilchuck Elementary, Lake Stevens Middle School and briefly went to Lake Stevens High School before moving to Kirkland for a short amount of time. The move to Kirkland was so he could be closer to his best friend Josh, who he was very close to.

Eventually both Josh and Isaac made their way back to the Lake. Stevens area. Around 17 or 18, Josh passed away by Leukemia.

Isaac was devastated of the loss of his best friend. So much so that he would make trips to the cemetery to visit his gravestone; got a tattoo in memory of Josh, and also named his son after his best friend.

Upon returning to Lk. Stevens, Isaac transferred to Prove Alternative High School to graduate.